Tuesday, November 27, 2018

As i’m driving down the highway i see a house it

doesn't look like any regular house it is old broken.

Maybe even abandoned. i park up on the yellowy  

brown grass i slowly hop out of my car i have a

ominous feeling there is a old rusty tin ladder maybe

leading to a never ending world. i can hear noises the

sounds of souls underneath the muck on dirt covered

floors as it rot back.       

Monday, November 19, 2018

I Am Poem

I Am

I am thoughtful and warm hearted

I wonder what my future holds  

I hear the whispers of my ancestors up above     

I see the beautiful world around  

I am strong      

I pretend that I’m fine when I'm not really fine  

I feel the darkness trying to take over my body

I touch the grass that grows on the forest floors

I worry about my life and what it has in store

I cry with horror over my passed family's graves

I am thankful for who I am     

I understand that people may not like me

I say to myself, I can make this the best day ever

I dream to be famous and be on stage

I try to work hard

I hope, I hope, I can achieve my dream  

I am the only one. There is no one like me

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Stage Fright

  Stage fright    

As i stumbled on to the giant stage i could feel sharp pieces of ice in my stomach wanting them to melt i hated all of the practise i had to do but it was too late i had already stepped up and i didnt do all that practise for nothing i could still feel the sharp ice in my tummy it was painful i couldn't remember the moves i didnt know what i was going to do ‘’should i just do a random dance’’ i thought in my mind as i got of the stage maybe i'll do better next term

Monday, September 10, 2018

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Thursday, August 23, 2018


What is biodiversity
Hi I am Ayla and i am going to talk to you about biodiversity .  It is the variety of all living things on earth. Let’s think of a jenga tower if  one block gets pulled out the tower collapses.
No mice

Well if there were no mice on earth,  pollution will get worse and animals such as foxes,birds,bears and other animals will become extinct. This is because  mice are food for other creatures.
How to save bees of nz
 If all bees went extinct the crops and orchards would all die and we would not have any more sticky and delicious honey so please help nz today. By just one action we can save all bees.